Research and Development
Lawatherm is continuously making efforts to explore, learn and absorb emerging technologies for developing cost reduction, quality improvement, process implementations, process controls and efficient product line for Indian and overseas customers. The company gives utmost importance to the R & D activities, which are carried out, at in-house R & D center. With in house development facility we are improving every day and it is important as development is a life long process.
The company is actively investing in tools and equipments to facilitate research. We are also providing training to our employees for development of new products that are appropriate for the business of the company. our company always attempts to use the latest and advanced technology in production process these products are appreciated for their precise dimension, durability and superior finish of the final products..
We undertake continuous research and development to enhance the functions of various products currently manufactured and sold by the company. The development and up gradation of equipments is also carried out with a view to meet the raising needs of the existing customers. Proactive research is done to impart new features into the existing products keeping the future needs of the customers in mind.
The Lawatherm Group will continue to stay focused on our three beliefs and will remain committed to providing innovative next-generation products and services that will help the industry in its needs for the future.